Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hong Kong Day 1 (Part 2)

Continuing from Hong Kong Day 1 (Part 1) 

I remember it being such a long & tiring day with 12hrs straight of walking that I just crashed in bed that night D:
The ptbf is a crazy explorer haha
Its my 2nd time back here and while walking to the Terminus, I was reminiscing my first visit. 
Oh how time flies..
Dinner at Tau Heung Steamboat Restaurant
It was past 9pm by the time we started dinner but the place was still fully packed!

Sumptuous Pork Bone Soup with Corn, Carrot, White Radish & Black Fungus.
The variety of sauces complemented the mains pretty well too (:
This kinda summarize our first holiday experience together in Hong Kong ><


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